Videos on Re-Parole: Parts 1 and 2

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced re-parole for eligible Afghans so they can continue living and working in the United States. Legal Service Providers (LSPs) can watch these recorded webinars to better understand the re-parole process for Afghan arrivals and how to navigate it to support their clients.

Part 1: Get Ready for Re-Parole Video

Watch Now: This recorded webinar covers how legal service providers (LSPs) can prepare to support their clients through the re-parole process. Hear from experts at the American Bar Association Commission on Immigration and learn how to set up an online account with myUSCIS for each family member and how to navigate common issues around evidence, benefits, creating e-mail accounts for derivatives, and gathering necessary documents to apply for re-parole.

Open in new tab Video Duration: 50:36

Part 2: Implementing the Re-Parole Process Video

Watch Now: This recorded webinar addresses how to implement the re-parole process, including how the process was going at the time the webinar was held in July 2023 and how U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) implemented automatic extensions for applicable pending and newly filed applications.

Open in new tab Video Duration: 45:21