Watch this recorded webinar to enhance your understanding about best practices for supporting Afghan clients wanting to travel.
Topic: Case Complexities
ILSAA: Parts 1 and 2: Navigating Marriage Issues for LSPs Serving Afghan Clients
Watch the recorded webinar on navigating marriage issues for Afghan clients to enhance your understanding about this complex area of law.
ILSAA: Crim-Imm Basics, Understanding the Interplay of Immigration Cases and Criminal Law
Watch this recorded webinar on “crim-imm” to enhance your understanding about this complex area of law.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: Revised Guidance on Informal (“Camp”) Marriages
Review this Refugee, Asylum, and International Operations (RAIO) guidance on informal marriage for an updated interpretation of the place-of-celebration rule.
International Refugee Assistance Project: Overview of Marriage in U.S. Immigration Law Practice Guide
Get practical tips and hypothetical exercises for assisting families in humanitarian and family reunification immigration pathways.
Congressional Research Service: Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity
This Congressional Research Service (CRS) report discusses the impact of criminal conduct on immigration status.
American Bar Association (ABA): Practice Advisory: Common Obstacles When Representing Afghans in Immigration Proceedings
Learn how to navigate common obstacles in the representation of Afghan asylum-seekers. The advisory covers common types of Afghan asylum cases and bars to asylum.
ILSAA: Can I Travel Outside the U.S.? (دری) (پښتو)
Find information that can help you determine whether to travel outside the U.S. based on your current immigration status and the status of your applications.
ILSAA: How to Check Case Processing Times (دری) (پښتو)
Read this document to learn how to use the USCIS self-service options and online tool to check case processing times.
ILSAA: Terrorism-Related Inadmissibility Grounds (دری) (پښتو)
Terrorism-Related Inadmissibility Grounds (TRIG) fact sheet provides an overview of TRIG, including who it affects, and what exemptions there are.